2014 Australian Women’s Writing Challenge

As aforementioned about a billion times I’m a proud Aussie. And also female. And a passionate feminist. When I came across the Australian Women’s Writing Challenge (AWWC) I got all sorts of excited as I found a way I can actively support Aussie women authors aside from buying their books. Any publicity is good publicity they say, but my blog is dedicated to supporting authors not cutting them down. So of course I’m proud to say I signed up to the challenge. I promised to read 6 books written by Australia authors and review at least 4.

“The 2014 Australian Women Writers Challenge was set up to help overcome gender bias in the reviewing of books by Australian women. The challenge encourages avid readers and book bloggers, male and female.”

– AWWC website

The challenge will run from Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2014 and you can sign up however late into the year as you please. The challenge welcomes everyone from every corner of the globe to give it a go – you don’t need to be Aussie to indulge yourself in the challenge.  Continue reading